Articles On Child Behavior Problems

Dr. O'Connor's articles on child behavior problems increase understanding of the child problems that worry you, and how to build psychological resilience and well being in children, adolescents and young adults? The articles below enhance understanding of psychological concerns in young people, and how to build their psychological competence and well-being.

The articles that are featured below relate to the neuropsychological challenges that many children, adolescents and young people show, at home, in their classrooms and their communities. Theses  articles apply to child behaviors, whether it is the specific behaviors the young person exhibits, the conditions that contribute to and maintain them or the strategies and assessments that explore these behaviors, and associated concerns, and lead to evidence based interventions  to address them.   

Family Handling Child's Behavior

Parents, and the helping professionals who work with young people and their families, worry about a range of child behavior problems from the relatively benign to the more severe. Some young people show internalizing problems, such as anxiety, depression and withdrawal behaviors. Others show externalizing problems such as aggression, oppositional defiant behaviors and attentional problems. 

Click on the links below to find articles on the child behavior problems that worry you. 

Articles On Child Behavior Problems
Externalizing Behaviors

Child behavior problems come in many guises, and fall into various categories. The articles on child behavior problems in this section focus on externalizing problems such as aggression, conduct problems and oppositional defiant behaviors.

  • Aggressive Behavior in Children: This article describes behaviors that characterize aggressive children, and the multiple interactive factors that can contribute to aggression in children. Strategies to help address aggressive behaviors are also addressed. 

Articles On Child Behavior Problems
Internalizing Behaviors

The articles on child behavior problems in this section focus on internalizing problems such as anxiety and depression. Young people with internalizing problems do not always show their distress, and their psychological distress may go unnoticed.

  1. Anxiety Disorders in Children: This article outlines the different ways that an anxiety disorder can present in children, and the increased risks they face for developing elevated levels of anxiety, when  family members suffer from an anxiety disorder. It also discusses how  psychological testing can help young people who are showing elevated levels of anxiety.
  2. Child Anxiety: This article provides a brief overview of different types of child anxiety disorders, as well as the signs and symptoms that might signal an anxiety disorder, and whether  a young person who is showing anxious behaviors might benefit from professional  support.   
  3. A Child Anxiety Disorder: This article discusses a range of anxiety disorders that can present in young people. It provides information on how child anxiety disorders are treated, and "Tips to Help the Anxious Child."
  4. Childhood Depression: This article provides a brief overview of childhood depression. Depression runs in families. Children are at greater risk of developing a depressive disorder, when other family members suffer from depression. This article also addresses the symptoms of childhood depression and how a psychological assessment can help.

Articles Learning & Behavioral Problems

;The articles on child behavior problems in this section are associated with learning and behavioral problems, or both.

  1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: This article provides a brief overview of ADHD. The symptoms of ADHD are addressed, as is the ADHD diagnosis and its various components.   
  2. Specific Learning Disability: This article provides an overview of the signs and symptoms associated with a Specific Learning Disability. It describes what a Specific Learning Disability is and the neuropsychological processing weaknesses that are associated with this diagnosis. 
  3. Learning Disability Assessment: This article describes what a learning disability is, how it is defined and the role that a learning disability plays in the diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disability.
  4. Child Behavioral Assessment : This article provides an overview of child behavior problems and how a behavioral assessment can help. 
  5. Child Assessments: This article provides an overview of child assessments, what parents worry about and how an assessment can help.
  6. Child Behavior Problems: This article provides ;

Articles-Post Traumatic Stress & Complex Trauma

The articles on child behavior problems in this section relate to trauma concerns, associated with  chronic, ongoing, complex forms of trauma or a single acute traumatic event.

Child Attachment : This article addresses the benefits of a secure child attachment, and provides a brief overview of attachment theory.

Traumatic Stress Disorder: This article explores symptoms associated with traumatic stress disorder, whether it is the result of a single acute trauma, like a motor vehicle accident, or more chronic ongoing forms of trauma like Complex Trauma. 

Children of Addicted Parents

Articles-Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury

The articles on child behavior problems in this section relate to learning problems that can be associated with a concussion or mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

Milld Traumatic Brian Injury In Children, Adolescents and Young Adults: This article increases understanding of traumatic brain injury in children, especially the detrimental effects of a mild TBI and/or concussion.

Check Lists

Child Problems Checklist: This resource provides a checklist to help you explore how serious the child problems that worry you might be.

Child Behavior Problem Questionnaire: This questionnaire explores the severity of the child behavior problem that worries you, and when to consider professional support.

Is It a Child Development Stage or a More Serious Concern?  This article provides an overview of the signs that can signal psychological wellness in a young person, as well as those that can point to psychological distress.

Click here to learn what parents worry about when they think of their children. 

Articles-Family Problems

Alcohol and Family Problems: This article situates addiction, specifically alcohol addiction, within the larger context of family problems. It discusses the negative impact of parental addiction, including alcoholism on children. 

Divorced Parenting: This article discusses how your divorce can affect your children, both the positive and negative outcomes, and the various interacting factors that can contribute to negative, as well as positive outcomes.